Fall cleanup reminder

The time to close the gardens is approaching and fall clean-up is on our minds. As part of the Orient Park Garden Rules – It is your responsibility to ensure that your plot is cleared at the end of every gardening season. All gardeners at Orient Park are required to clear their annual plot(s) of garbage, tools, hoses, cages/trellises/supports and plant material to ensure easy spring tilling. Please: remove all plant material and place it on one of the compost piles by October 16th. (‘X’ marks the location of compost piles on the map below). DO NOT place piles at the front of your plot – compost must go to one…

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Garden cleanup thanks

Thanks to everyone who came out to help with the fall cleanup at the Orient Park Gardens Saturday October 19. We had over 30 volunteers and were done in under three hours! During the clean up many items were removed from plots and placed in a garbage pile for the city to collect (located in the middle garden area). Please remember that plots are required to be cleaned the Friday evening before the clean-up. GAGA cannot be held responsible for any items that needed to be removed during the Fall cleanup. The clearing of these items is essential to ensure…

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Clean up reminder

Just a reminder to all gardeners that our gardens are a public space for gardening and not a dumping ground for garbage and waste.  During the Blackburn Hamlet Annual Spring Clean Up, volunteers removed 6 bags of trash from the gardens, and a couple of weeks later, collected three more bags of trash. In both cases, it was reported that a lot of the waste was gardening-related plastic.  Please clean up after yourselves and bring your garbage back home with you for disposal. Please remember that as members of GAGA we have all agreed to abide by certain rules of conduct…

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