RIP GAGA founder George Bushell

We were saddened to learn that one of the founders of the Gloucester Allotment Garden Association, George Bushell, passed away this past Wednesday June 21. His obituary can be found here. For those of you who haven’t gardened with us for very long, you will notice his name on the green signs throughout the allotment gardens. In 1981 George and some other keen gardeners were informed by the National Capital Commission that they were no longer willing to administer the allotment gardens that they had set up and managed since 1971. They offered the gardens to local government which at…

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2023 AGM invitation

The Gloucester Allotment Garden Association will be holding its AGM in person this year on March 9th, 2023 6-7:45 PM at the North Gloucester Library in Meeting Room A. The library is located at 2036 Ogilvie Road near Costco. Any member in good standing who wishes to participate is welcome. If you wish to participate please email The purpose of the meeting is to approve the 2023 budget and rule changes regarding pesticide use, structures, and plot absence at the garden plots; and to elect the Board of Directors. Agenda and documents for the AGM are available here: Please note:

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