Garden cleanup thanks

Thanks to everyone who came out to help with the fall cleanup at the Orient Park Gardens Saturday October 19.

We had over 30 volunteers and were done in under three hours!

During the clean up many items were removed from plots and placed in a garbage pile for the city to collect (located in the middle garden area). Please remember that plots are required to be cleaned the Friday evening before the clean-up. GAGA cannot be held responsible for any items that needed to be removed during the Fall cleanup.

The clearing of these items is essential to ensure equipment safety during the spring tilling. Annual plots need to be cleared of large vegetation (e.g. corn stalks) and non-compostable items. (netting, twine, soil covers, garden hoses and tools, tomato cages, sticks and supports, etc.)

So if you still have something there you want – get it now. This is your final reminder.

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