Final straw purchase reminder

We are pleased to offer GAGA members the option to pre-order straw for their plots again this year.  Straw will be delivered to the gardens by our supplier June 4th. Online prepayment is the only option. Cost is $9 per bale – same as last year.  Payment must be received before end of day Thursday June 2nd. Late payments will not receive straw. Click here for ordering your straw bales.

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Membership package update

All community garden plots are now assigned and membership packages are en route to you! Packages include: your membership card a plot map highlighting the location of your plot the rules governing the community gardens. Please take a moment to confirm your name and assigned plot(s). If you feel there is an error – please reach out to the registrar at Please note that the gardens are not officially open to members until they are plowed, staked and you have your membership card. It is our expectation to have the gardens open before the May long weekend. An announcement regarding an…

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