Open House at the Experimental Farm Organic Garden

Hello everyone! Hope that the heat we are currently experiencing is helping all of your tomato and pepper plants!

Just a quick note for all of our gardeners from our friends at the Canadian Organic Growers-Ottawa St. Lawrence Outaouais Chapter who are hosting an Open House at the Organic Demonstration Garden on Sunday, July 22 from 1:00-4:00 pm.

The Open house will feature Tours of The Garden including the organic Veggie Patch, the Perennials Bed, the active Composters, the Drought Resistant Plants, Edible Flowers and Herbs for the Table. There will also be demonstrations on how gardeners can use organic methods to create and maintain an ecologically friendly and inviting garden.

Don’t miss the Tours starting every 20 minutes or so, Photo Ops in The Garden, Kids’ Activity Table, Roving Musicians and Just Voices Choir singing at 3:00, Door Prizes, and Sips of Organic Lemonade.

All this is free of charge but we do need donations, which will support both the Organic Demonstration Garden and Senior Organic Gardeners (SOG).

You are invited to register or get more information at:

The Organic Demo Garden is located in the Experimental Farm on Prince of Wales Drive in Ottawa. On entering the parking lot to the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, we are located beside the hedge on your right hand side. The only charge will be the cost of parking. All welcome!

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