2021 AGM Invitation

You’re Invited! 2021 AGM invitation While spring may still be a few months away, the Gloucester Allotment Garden Association is already planning ahead for the 2021 garden season and wanted to give our members advance notice of three items: virtual AGM set Proposed motions finalized March registration process Virtual Annual General Meeting GAGA will be holding their AGM virtually this year on March 2nd 2021 at 7PM. Any member who wishes to participate and vote on the resolutions below is welcome. If you were a member last season and wish to participate please email gaga@ncf.ca for link credentials and this will be…

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Membership package update

Thank you to the majority of you who have signed on to the special COVID-19 rule amendments so far.  If you have signed the agreement – your registration package went in the mail today. If you have not yet signed the pandemic rules – please read and agree to the special pandemic rules for 2020 we must abide by this year. Your registration package will not be mailed until we have your agreement to these rules. Please note that the gardens are not officially open to members until they are plowed, staked and you have your membership card. It is…

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