2009 AGM

The Annual Meeting of the Gloucester Allotment Gardens Association was held on March 10, 2009 at the Louis Riel High School in Blackburn Hamlet. Members have always shown a great interest and this night was no exception. In addition to the usual reports and votes of the bookkeeping nature George presented a slideshow of the Anderson Garden deer fence project. A special presentation was made to the club by the Ottawa – Carleton Wildlife Centre for our efforts of co-existing with wild life through our deer fence project. Enjoy the photos of Gloucester Gardens Association at the Annual Meeting.

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Anderson Gardens Fence Project

The Gloucester Allotment Garden Assoc. took over the NCC community gardens, located near Blackburn Hamlet (one site at Orient Park Dr. and one at Anderson Rd) in 1981 when the NCC abandoned the allotment garden program throughout the region – we have just completed our 28th year of operation (the NCC operated these two sites for about 15 years prior to 1981). We are a non-profit incorporated volunteer organization with a Board of Directors that operates about 250 garden plots for its member gardeners. We provide both annual plots (that we till every year) and perennial plots (that the user…

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