2023 AGM invitation

The Gloucester Allotment Garden Association will be holding its AGM in person this year on March 9th, 2023 6-7:45 PM at the North Gloucester Library in Meeting Room A. The library is located at 2036 Ogilvie Road near Costco. Any member in good standing who wishes to participate is welcome.

If you wish to participate please email info@wp209584.wpdns.ca.

The purpose of the meeting is to approve the 2023 budget and rule changes regarding pesticide use, structures, and plot absence at the garden plots; and to elect the Board of Directors.

Agenda and documents for the AGM are available here:

Please note:

  • Plot registration is not being administered at the AGM. Online renewal has proven to be popular, easier to administer and is our preferred registration option.
  • Participation at the AGM no longer qualifies for a discount on plot fees. 
  • The venue has a capacity of 60 people. 

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